In November, Care 2, the largest online community of people passionate about animal welfare and Adopt-a-Pet, one of the country's largest pet adoption charities joined together to create America's Favorite Animal Shelter Contest.
The animal shelter or rescue organization that receives the most online votes will win a grand prize of $10,000! In addition, each week a shelter is chosen at random to win $500. What a wonderful holiday gift for the homeless dogs and cats counting on AFRP for medical care, food, shelter and adoptive homes.
It's easy to help AFRP win! Just cast your vote for Animal Friends Rescue Project at Care2.com - you only need to vote one time and it only takes a minute of your time. You can help AFRP get even more votes by telling everyone you know about the contest. Feel free to forward this information to your friends, family and coworkers.
Currently the Saint John Animal Rescue League of Nebraska is in first place with 5038 votes. Let’s see if we can give them a run for the money!
Please cast your vote today at Care2.com, the contest ends December 16!
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