Thursday was a bittersweet day at the AFRP office. We said tearful goodbyes to our dear, sweet Arlo, who had been with us since January after coming to us from the Salinas Animal Shelter.
A young terrier mix with some neurological problems, Arlo's goofy, cheerful and gentle personality won the hearts of everyone who met him. He was undaunted by his poor vision and lack of coordination, and he met every challenge with enthusiasm and tenacity.
Sadly, as the months passed, Arlo's health deteriorated. His diagnosis was grim -- he had untreatable Lymphoma. Many thanks to foster mom Christine Derr who invited Arlo to spend his last few weeks in her loving home. Thanks also to Dr. Jen Wernsing and the AFRP staff and volunteers who surrounded Arlo with love Thursday evening at the AFRP office as he made his final peaceful journey from this world into the next. He will be missed.